This resource will help women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA) to prepare for pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

The effects of CSA can last a long time and having a baby can be a particularly difficult and lonely time. The resource shares real-life experiences of pregnancy, birth and parenthood and has been created through the collaboration of women who have experienced CSA, midwives and researchers.

This resource was co-produced by the following:

  • Women with lived experience of childhood sexual abuse
  • From King's College London: Elsa Montgomery, Principal Investigator; Yan-Shing Chang, Lecturer; Anne Youssef, Learning Technologist; Florin Ivan, Learning Technologist
  • From The Survivors Trust: Fay Maxted, CEO, The Survivors Trust; Sarah Cheadle, Communications Officer
  • From other areas: Kathryn Gutteridge, President, Royal College of Midwives; Lucy Duckworth, researcher and member of the Victims and Survivors' Consultative Panel for the Independent Inquiry into Childhood Sexual Abuse; Julia Seng, Professor of Nursing, Obstetrics and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan, USA; Jonathan Staples, Jmotion Video Production Company

The development of this resource was funded by a Wellcome Trust Engaging Science People Award.

The resource can be found by clicking here

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