Only 2-3% of rape allegations are false.

There is a perception in our society that false allegations are very common due to sensationalised media reporting and a recent focus on celebrity sex abuse scandals in the news. This is simply not the case. What many fail to consider is the ordeal that survivors must go through when reporting. Survivors can face abuse, disbelief and sometimes rejection from their loved ones when they make an allegation.  When they report to the police, survivors are often asked to hand over their phone and their medical records are accessed. In a court setting, a survivors most intimate details are made public in an attempt to discredit their character and account. Making an allegation of rape is not something that is done lightly or without consequence for the victim. 

This widely believed myth is one of the largest barriers to disclosure and reporting that survivors face. In the most recent Crime Survey for England and Wales, it was found that less than 1 in 5 victims of rape or assault by penetration reported this to the police. 25% of those did not report because they thought that the police would not believe them. This myth is incredibly damaging for survivors and needs to be challenged at every possible opportunity so that survivors are able to access justice and support.