Mandate Now is a pressure group that seeks the introduction of law requiring staff  who work in 'Regulated Activities’ to report concerns about the welfare of children and vulnerable adults to the Local Authority. Mandatory reporting of suspected or known child abuse is a vital component of a functioning child protection system in institutional settings. 

If you work with children, and see one of your charges being abused or even raped, 
you might think you and your employer had a legal obligation to report it to the authorities. Not so. There is no legal requirement on anyone working with minors in England (Wales or Scotland) to report such incidents and concerns to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), children’s services or in the event of a ‘known’ crime, the police. It’s been like this for 60 years, nothing has changed despite the counterfeit ‘initiatives’ from Governments throughout his period.

On 2 December 2015 Mandate Now handed in their petition signed by more than 200,000 individuals to Downing Street. Pictured are Mandate Now representatives, the cross party delegation of politicians and our CEO Fay Maxted outside of Downing Street. Mandate Now are still campaigning for mandatory reporting. 

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