Description of agency: We provide counselling and advice to people who have been affected by rape or sexual abuse.

Support Line: 01642 822331
Agency Enquiries: 01642 822335
Email: [email protected]
Area covered: Middlesborough

Support offered:

  • The Counselling Service: This is a free and confidential counselling service for people (14+) who have suffered rape or sexual abuse at any time in their lives. Our counsellors are qualifies and specially trained to work with survivors of sexual abuse. They work to BACP ethics and standards.
  • Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) Service: This service offers anyone over the age of 14 yrs, who has been raped or sexually abused, immediate support with crisis intervention and reporting to the police. The adviser will provide emotional and practical support whether the rape or abuse has been reported to the police or not. If the case is reported and goes to court, the adviser will provide emotional support, arrange pre-trial visits to the court building, explain the court process and liaise with the police and crown prosecution service on the client’s behalf. The ISVA service covers the areas of Middlesbrough, Stockton and Hartlepool. Appointments can be held at our centre or at another suitable venue. 
  • Life Enhancement Skills Adviser (LESA) Service: The service offers practical help and support on a wide range of issues and is only available to Arch clients. If you have suffered rape or sexual abuse you may find you are not dealing with practical issues because your emotions are on a rollercoaster ride, you my feel that your head is all over the place and are unable to deal with practical issues. The LESA will support you practically and emotionally to enable you to get on with your life and bring back some normality.

Services for:

  • Anyone over the age of 14years. We do not work with anyone who had been investigated or accused of a sexual offence.

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