The most recent Crime Survey for England and Wales estimated that 143,000 males aged 16 to 59 years were victims of a sexual assault in the last year. The Crown Prosecution Service acknowledges around 13% of reported sexual offence victims are male, with the vast majority of incidents never even being reported to the police. Many male survivors worry that professionals may not understand that boys and men can also be victims of this crime. Our training offers a thorough insight into recognising the impact of their past traumas to enable practitioners to understand and deliver services that will meet their needs. 

This 1-day workshop will give you the knowledge and understanding on how to support a male survivor in a sensitive and trauma-informed way, including through disclosure, allowing the survivor to know how he can access specialist support to meet his needs.

What you will learn

  1. Where and How to Access Specialist Rape and Sexual Violence Services
  2. Gender & Social Roles and How it Influences Society’s Perception of Rape and Sexual Abuse
  3. How Rape and Sexual Abuse can Impact Men, Boys and their Relationships
  4. How to Respond to a Disclosure of Rape or Childhood Sexual Abuse
  5. To be Trauma-Informed and Incorporate the Principles of Self-Care

We are currently delivering training online via Zoom. 

2024 date:

Tuesday 7th May

Organisation Price
TST Member (my organisation is a member of TST) £83 (15% discount)
Charity (Must be a registered charity) £88 (10% discount)
Non-Member & Non-Charity £98

To book, please contact: [email protected]