Victims-Survivors of rape and childhood sexual abuse often talk about the '2nd rape', a term often used by them to express their regret and disappointment after making a disclosure to a professional about their traumatic experience. It isn’t a matter of the professional deliberately trying to cause distress to their clients but more about them not understanding how trauma impacts a person.

This 1-day workshop is suitable for all professionals and students who work directly or indirectly with victims-survivors of rape and childhood sexual abuse. The content of this workshop will provide you with a trauma-informed approach to understanding the impact of rape and sexual abuse and will help to improve your confidence in knowing how to deliver a sensitive and client-focused service especially during times of disclosure. 

What you will learn

  1. The impact that rape and sexual violence has on victims/survivors
  2. Tools for sensitively and effectively responding to disclosures
  3. Where to refer clients for further support
  4. Why gender and social roles can create a barrier to people reporting their experience

Training is currently being delivered online via Zoom. 

2024 Date:

Tuesday 26th March

Organisation Price
TST Member (my organisation is a member of TST) £83 (15% discount)
Charity (Must be a registered charity) £88 (10% discount)
Non-Member & Non-Charity £98

To book, please contact: [email protected]